I am amazed at the incredible benefits of 3D CAT scan imaging we have been performing in our office for the past 14 months. Computed tomography is a vast improvement over linear tomography and panoramic radiography. It is possible to view all aspects of a specific location of the head and neck, thereby readily identifying any pathology and locating any vital anatomical structures critical to bone grafting and dental implant placement. We are one of only a few dental offices in Ontario with license to use a 3D CAT scan imaging machine. In the past, Â patients would have to see a radiologist in a recognized hospital. But today, we take the imagine and are able to play “virtual reality dental implant surgery” right in front of the patient. We can locate and place dental implants right on the 3D image immediately after taking the image and right in front of the patient. Once the image is taken, a patient can make the decision to proceed with treatment. This drastically reduces wait times and anyone can have dental implant and crown and bridge in a quick and expedited fashion allowing a rapid turnaround time and improvement in quality of life
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